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Factors Affecting Not Optimal Function of Baturiti Agro Tourism Market Market is very important in populist economic development but the existence of the market itself must also be considered in terms of comfort and cleanliness. In Baturiti there are several traditional markets, namely the Baturiti market, Pancasari market, but because of the high activity in these markets it becomes less attention and looks slum considering these markets are a place for the fruit and vegetable market barometer in Bali. Traditional markets are currently a concern of the government by launching a market revitalization program. Based on this matter, this research was conducted to find out the answers to what factors resulted in the non-optimal functioning of the Baturiti Agro-tourism market by analyzing the relationship with aspects of government policy, spatial physical aspects and socio-economic aspects. This study aims to identify and be able to provide advice to stakeholders involved in it so that the development of this Baturiti Agro-tourism Market can be addressed to improve the people's economy. The research method that will be used in this research is a combination of qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods. Qualitative methods are used to describe the perceptions of traders about the existence of the Baturiti Agrotourism Market and quantitative methods used to analyze the factors that influence the non-optimal functioning of the Baturiti Agrotourism Market. The statistical test used is multiple linear regression with the partial least square approach with consideration of this study involving several variables so that analytical techniques are needed that are able to accommodate all variables well. The results obtained are only the government aspect constructs that influence the non-optimal function of the Baturiti agro-tourism market, where the value of the T-statistic produced is greater than 1.98 (at the level of 5%) which is equal to 2,699105. This means that the construct is a construct constructing the dimensions of the market function not optimal.


market, revitalitation

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